Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Temperature Is But Feels Like

When we lived in Melbourne all those years ago we got used to things such as "wind chill factor".  In this part of the world wind chill factor rarely gets a mention, until this week that is. About Sunday or there abouts a strong and consistent south westerly blew into SE Queensland.  It has been blowing strongly all week but is due to die off tomorrow.

For many people in this part of the world, tomorrow can't come soon enough.  Though we have had sunny clear blue skies, the morning temperature has been in single figures, even down to 4 one morning.  Throw in the strong, cold south westerly and its wind chill factor, this week has been icy.

Some people have their heaters (reverse cycle air con) running all day.  We had it going all one day it was so cold.  We still have 4 weeks of 'winter' weather to go until things begin to warm up just a little in SE Queensland.

The doctor put me onto Symbicort after my visit last week to do something with my persistent cough.  I am pleased to say I have improved markedly with the occasional daily splutter.  But nothing like it used to be. I return for a follow up visit in a fortnight or so.

The footy on TV over the weekend wasn't too good for me but Trish is happy.  My team turned over top spot on the ladder to Trish's team. Now she is smiling even more.

The move to Windows 10 has been relatively smooth.  Most days I find something I need to install that I had forgotten about.  And then there are some programs which just don't work well (or crack easily) with Windows 10.  In every case I have found a replacement, sometimes better than my original.

My reliance on backing things up has come to my rescue on a couple of oocasions.  It is so nice just to copy a settings folder over from a backup to the new install and everything with that program just rolls along as if nothing had happened.

My PC starts much much more quickly and shuts down smoothly meaning I have achieved my aim and solved the hassles from when I was on Windows 7.

I continue to keep an eye out for a "4TB Seagate Personal Cloud" hard drive.  The current list price is around $300 but there is a promotion every now and again where it sells for around $200.  Patience is the keyword here.

I have a brew on at the moment and the cooler weather isn't helping.  I do use a heat pad to raise the temperature as required.  I will bottle wash tomorrow and probably bottle on Sunday.

We have a long time arrangement to go to a Rugby League match in Brisbane this Friday night with 4 friends.  We will travel into Brisbane and stay the night.  Our hotel is within walking distance of the Stadium.  It will be a new experience for me but I can still keep up with the real footy (AFL) scores through an app on my phone.

We enjoyed a great Thai lunch yesterday just on our own this time.

The cold weather and my cough has put a stop to my bike riding.  However with conditions improving tomorrow I hope to saddle up again mid morning when things begin to warm up. It may not be a 'full' 12lm+ ride.

Kate, Arj and family are having a ball in the USA with Niagara Falls a recent highlight for them.  Right now Kim and her friend are in San Fransisco seeing the sights. She has a big birthday next week and expects to be in Las Vegas to celebrate.

So now you are up to date with all our news.  We are both well and enjoying the SE Queensland lifestyle.  All we need is some of that SE Queensland warmth to return.

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