Friday, June 03, 2016

And The Rains Came

The weather bureau is talking about some areas of the Sunshine Coast getting around 6" or 150mls of rain over the weekend with showers due to increase later on today.  The showers began overnight into Thursday and have continued throughout yesterday and into today (Friday) for a total a little under 40mls so far.

The backyard photo above gives you an idea of how dark and dismal things look. And the temperature has dropped to normal winter temperatures as well. We have been warned to be ready for strong winds and heavy rains throughout Saturday and into Sunday. 

But at least I am feeling quite a deal better with the congestion on my chest still there but much better than a week or so ago.  I still have a bit of a cough first thing in the morning but overall I am feeling much better.  Trish and her cold seems to be improving as well.

There is a 20% off deal going on with some eBay stores at the moment.  My pressure washer stopped working a few months ago and I have grabbed one 'on-line' for $80 delivered.via the 20% off deal.  It is all we need here for the few times each year we use one of these things.

Usually I use a pressure washer for tidying any build up on bricks around the house and the like, or to clean the blinds we have down for much of summer to keep the sun off the back of the house.  Another store had them for $145 so I have done OK with the $80 delivered.

I have also been working on resurrecting Trish's old phone for my own use.  I have a replacement battery for it and I have reset it back to factory condition.  I have been stopped from installing heaps of apps as I am after another 16GB SD card for it so I can transfer some apps over.

It is $6 for a new SD card on eBay and it is due any day now.

I will then totally reformat my current phone and see of that fixes everything.  I keep on getting pop ups saying the phone is running out of space and will be unable to load any more apps.  If a good cleanout doesn't work I will consider another el cheapo phone from China.

I have me eye on an Infocus M560 for around $140 delivered or an Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 for a little under $200.  Both get great write ups from the critics.

And I am looking at my computer and wireless network backup needs as well.  With a Smart TV, 2 laptops, a PC, a couple of tablets, a couple of Android TV boxes and two android phones all accessing the one Local Area Wireless Network there has to be a more effective way of backing up and sharing files.

I am wondering if a Seagate Cloud Storage system is the way to go.  It looks pretty impressive!

Bottle washing and a bottling are due to happen Sunday and Monday and hopefully the weather won't stop that happening.

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