Monday, November 02, 2015

Weather On The Improve

After a mild weekend we are looking forward to some more typical temperatures coming up this week.  Though it is high 20's today, 30 or so is on the way for much of this week.  Even the pool is getting back towards 25° today after the cool outburst we have just endured.  It should be even warmer later in the week.

Drinks were great fun Friday but not so good on Saturday.  Trish had a fairly slow Saturday but I managed to struggle through OK.  By Sunday we were all OK again.

The lounge area has been through a bit of a reconfiguration.  We have had it setup this way before (refer to the photo above) which isn't a good setup for when we have visitors staying.  Their view of the TV leads to a cricked neck.  But we don't get people staying very often so this setup suits us nicely right now.  It would take around 15 minutes to put it around the other way again if and when visitors ever come to stay.

We have temporarily covered my chair with one of Trish's quilts.  With the warmer weather on the way and with me perspiring so much, a cover of any sort will help protect the chair's covering whether the cover be leather or fabric.  The experiment so far has taught us that the idea of a doona cover with a polyestre centre will best suit our needs.  The next step is to find a suitable bright and matching color doona cover to complement the other new recliner chair.

And a word on how we find the new recliners ... sensational.  They are extremely comfortable!

Recently I was online and got onto a couple of 'free' tickets to the Brisbane Food and Wine Show.  We went in yesterday (Sunday).  We had saved around $60 on entry costs so $20 for parking was a breeze.  It wasn't quite what I expected.

It was more of a cavalcade of various produce from companies or areas around Queensland and interstate.  There we cheese producers from the "Yarra Valley" back in Victoria, there were other products from Queensland's "Granite Belt" or "Logan Area".  There were wine makers from all over Australia and even some boutique beers to try as well.

We didn't need any lunch on our way out.  It seemed all nibblies, yoghurt, wine or beers!  But it was fun.

We were given free scratchies for a chance of a lucky prize.  Trish is the winner of a 'major prize' from her scratchie.  The top major prize is a $2000 credit card, the bottom major prize is an $800 iPad.  One of the in between prizes is a free holiday in Caloundra!  We have won 'a major prize'!

As you may have guessed, we have to attend a 90 minute presentation to collect our prize.  It is some way away for us to travel to, a spot south of Brisbane, but for minimum of an $800 prize it seems worth the trip.

It isn't all bad news, the place we have to go is just a few kilometres from Sunnybank, one of the few places we can eat Malaysian food here in Queensland.  We drive down there on Thursday!

Kim flew to Bali for 5 nights to stay with her friend Mel.  It is a 3 hour flight from Perth and the cost isn't at all great.  Photos we have spotted on Facebook indicate she has enjoyed a spot just beside the pool.  She flies home today.

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