Sunday, November 08, 2015

On & Then Not On.

It is almost a week since I have posted, and what a busy week it has been for both us.

To begin with, summer has arrived in force with top temps yesterday (Saturday) reading as high as 35° in our little backyard.  The backyard is protected from any breeze but for most of day the temp sat around the low 30's.  The pool was over 27° during the afternoon as well.

We had a huge day Monday with the Community Association's AGM and array of speakers including our Federal and State MP's along with our Councillor.  This was preceded by an Emergency Services Expo and free sausage sizzle for local families.  The Fire Brigade, SES, Water Rescue, Red Cross Police etc were all in attendance.  It was great and the kids loved it.

The major focus of all speakers at the Monday Night Public Meeting was on the new Caloundra South development right on our doorstep which will see another 20,000 homes built over the next 10 to 15 years and the huge need for an upgrade in roads around the area.  These roads are already under pressure and will suffer more as the area continues to grow.

Trish's Arts Centre Association groups have been readying for a major Fair being held over this weekend.  As Secretary of the whole thing, she has been busy all week with preparations.

On Wednesday several of us from the Community Association attended a meeting in Brisbane with advisors to the State Government's Minister for Roads on the roads issue.

On Thursday Trish and I drove down to a spot south of Brisbane to pick up our 'freebie' prize.  It turned out to be a "Holiday Club" pitch with a buy in for 15 years (at a largish price) and get cheap accommodation all over the world.  There was the promise of a free two for 1 cruise offered as a sweetener when you signed.

We had to make a commitment at the end of the presentation right there and then, on the spot.  That turned me right off and I told the guy so.  However Trish was quite keen and we finished up agreeing to become involved and paid a substantial deposit.

In the cool light of the days following the agreement, I continued to feel uncomfortable about the whole thing.  In my current state, the uncomfortable feeling began to reflect in my anxiety levels.  Advice from friends was not to proceed.  There is a 7 day 'Cooling Off' period which we will exercise on Monday.

Hopefully a peaceful night's sleep will follow on after that.

Trish has been busy with the Fair preparations, setting up on Friday and then the actual event itself yesterday (Sat) and today.  Finally she has a Fair wind up meeting on Monday morning.

I managed a bike ride two mornings this week but with visits here and there and showers overnight (we just had a light shower and threatening skies earlier this morning) it hasn't been possible to ride daily.  Usually the weather clears mid morning but with warm and humid conditions, bike riding is extremely uncomfortable when left to later on.

And to top it all off the cricket has been on TV daily since Thursday as well.

I did manage to bottle my "Melbourne Trip Beer Supply" this week and get another brew on to top up my everyday supplies as well.  Bottle washing and a bottling will follow during next week.

Kate Arj and the family are currently holidaying in Egypt for a week with a group of friends from the school they teach at.  What great experiences the grand kids have had for their age.  Just amazing what they have seen and experienced.  The photo shows our grand children Charli and James with a friend at the pyramids.

My morning shower beckons.

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