Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Today's forecast is "Showers" but right now it couldn't be further from that.  Clouds are beginning to build out over the ocean and, as the easterly wind picks up, they should make landfall and give us a shower or two later today.

Click on all photos for a larger view, then on the "X" to return to this page.

As you can see from the photo above it is lovely and bright.  I took 20 minutes or so and mowed the front lawn along with next door's lawn as well.  By doing both just makes our little place look a lot better.

The driveway color has settled down (or we are becoming more used to it).  We have received several positive comments on it from bypassers and neighbours.

Monday afternoon saw me head around to a friend's place to help him out with his computer.  He was after a program called "True Launch Bar" which is a program for the desktop which allows easy access to programs for a particular 'group' of programs.  The screen shot is one I just took of the page on which I compose the blog.  I just put the cursor on one of the group icons at the foot of the screen and up pops all the associated programs.  The pop up in the photo is my general "Computer" associated programs.

Anyway I get around to install True Launch Bar for him but he already has it.  I had put it on for him previously.  He had inadvertently 'turned' it off.  After a few other 'jobs' he wanted done with computers and his phone I headed home late in the afternoon. I did update True Launch Bar to the latest version for him.

I watched another 4 episodes of Spartacus Series 3 last night.  I have only 6 left to see.

This morning's bike ride was for around 13k's.  It was a little brisk but after a few K's I did warm up considerably.  As this photo shows this is a beautiful place to ride especially when there isn't a cloud in the sky.

6 of us in total are off to "The Curry Bowl" this evening.  I am being collected about 5:40 and will be driven there and back.  I am pleased about that.

I drew some beer off the brew this morning and it seemed a little frothy.  I will give it another day to brew hoping it settles down a little.  With several bottles splitting the last few months I will err on the side of safety!

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