Thursday, September 13, 2012

Now In The Home Straight

It has been very busy (and alcoholic) for us the last few days.

My footy team put in a shocker on Saturday night at the MCG and is now out of the finals race for 2012.  They played poorly in the first quarter and were soon in dire trouble.  They did improve after that but never enough to catch up with the first quarter shocker.  The weather was cold, wet, windy and miserable.  I think I have seen my last live game at night from the MCG.  Later as I drove home and the rain tumbled down in the pitch black at 11:30pm did not make for a better end to the night.

The only good things was the pleasant hour or two I spent in the Frank Grey Smith bar where I had a lounge chair, enjoyed a couple of ales, listened to the two piece band play their music and kept an eye on the scores where Melbourne Storm were involved. See the photo above.

On Sunday we headed down to Drouin for a two night stay.  The first night was spent with friends Russell and Irene.  We had a great meal, worked out a few hassles with Russ's Media Player, had too much to drink and relived times from the past.

We awake to a foggy morn and brisk temperatures.  Around mid morning we left and arrived at the home of the Beecheys, long time neighbours from when we lived in Melbourne.

Mid afternoon we were joined by another couple (and very good friends) John and Sue Logan.  The festivities continued on into the night with too much again to eat and drink.

We arrived back at Kate's mid morning on the Tuesday for what eventuated into a quiet Tuesday.  Tuesday night we baby sat which was just about ideal for us.  We went to bed early and slept well.

The next evening (Weds) was spent with the Riordans and we stayed there overnight.  This involved even more eating an drinking.  I think I may have added a couple of kilos in our time down south.

It was a quieter day on Thursday again catching up with more friends Pat and Graham for lunch.  Tea on Thursday was again with friends and back to our favorite restaurant in Springvale. Bed on Thursday night looks very attractive right now!

We are due to fly home on Monday morning.

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