Monday, September 24, 2012

It Is Now a Saga!

As the photo shows much of the area where the 'new' concrete will go has been dug out.  It took the guy around 4 hours of digging.  He arrived around 9 am left around 2:30 pm.  There is the threat of a storm so he packed up and left early.  It was over 30 degrees in the backyard today so it was hot thirsty work.  He will possibly need to dig down another inch or so to get the 'depth' he needs.

As he was leaving he mentioned he was having a problem getting the mini mix concrete delivered and at this stage he was looking at around Thursday or Friday depending on availability.

Before he arrived I made the area where the drainage pipe will go a little wider for him.

His wife works tomorrow and it is school holiday time so he is looking after his 8 y.o. son and expects to be back on Wednesday.

We have decided to cut a section of the old concrete away and put the new stuff there.  This will also help with drainage and solve a problem!  In the top photo the cut will go from the top left corner of the 'red' concrete to level with the sewerage observation point. There has been an adjustment in his quote.  Despite the added cost I reckon I am getting a super deal.

Both Trish and I went to the cardiologist this morning.  Trish is fine while I need to go onto a 'stronger' cholesterol tablet.  My levels are fine but there is some plaque buildup there.  To be on the safe side he wants to 'up' my cholesterol tablet to try and stop any further plaque forming.  This is strictly precautionary!

And to top the day off, I managed a bottling as well.

Right now the storm clouds are building up again and we could get another thunderstorm.  We still need the rain!

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