Friday, September 28, 2012

Almost There

We continue to be greeted with lovely fine and sunny days with the temp around the mid 20's.  It does cool off overnight which means any temperature the pool has gained during the day is lost overnight.  At just over 20 degrees in the pool a swim is usually completed in a short time!

I have been riding most mornings and enjoying a refreshing (but brief) dip in the pool afterwards.

It has been a "Computer" last couple of days.  On Wednesday a friend was over to swap some movies and for me to load Paint Shop Pro X5 (PSP) onto his laptop.  John is a bit of a whiz with PSP so he was looking forward to seeing what was in the latest version.

Meanwhile the concrete guy completed the drain yesterday.  There is a bit of a leak so the connection to the drain under the clothesline will have decent lump of concrete around it to seal the leak! See the photo left.  Where the weed mat is flapping around is where a shovel load or two of concrete will be used to block the leak to the drain.

Click on photos for a larger view.

Most of the form work and 'reinforcement' mesh is in place this morning ready for the 'pour' tomorrow at 8 am.

I have relaid much of the area after the drain was finished.  I look like I might need a few more stones and pebbles but that will wait until next week.  It is a quiet week for the concreter so it is a couple of hours here and a few more there.  However I reckon Saturday morning will be the busy one.  He hopes to be here around 7:30 am tomorrow for when the Mini Mix truck with the concrete arrives.

Needless to say the most time spent on any decision was the color of the concrete.

Another Computer Club member was around this morning for some help. I spent an hour or so over the road yesterday afternoon updating a neighbour's movie collection.

I grabbed 45 minutes and put another 'brew' on this morning after my bike ride.  Drinks this afternoon at 3pm should be very enjoyable!

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