Saturday, September 29, 2012

95% Finished

It was around 7:30 am this morning when the concrete guy returned ready for the arrival of the Mini-Mix at around 8 am.  To be truthful, the mini-mix arrived around 7:45 and the work began.

I headed off the Computer Club but with the promise I would be home around 11 am.  At the club I was trying to help a lady who had only ever used her laptop as a 'typewriter'.  Now she wanted to connect to the internet.  It have never been updated and was an old Windows XP machine without wireless.  She had a wireless adapter but the thing would hardly work.  It had never been updated.  It sure took up some time to even get it ready to update!

When I arrived home at 11 am this was the sight which greeted me.  It sure will be great.  The spoon design was a little more than the concrete guy (Gary) had expected.  I was delighted with it.  With this deep gradient, heavy rain won't be an issue!  The only problem will be if the storm water system can handle all the water to release it to the front street.

Gary will return Sunday morning to do some final 'cleaning up' and remove his form work ready for the next job.  There are a couple of little spots which he will fix when everything is dry!

The concrete fix to the leak will probably work perfectly as well.  There is quite a bit of concrete around where it was leaking.  I think this lump of concrete should fix any leak though.

Click on the photos for a larger view, then on the "X" in the top right hand corner to return to this page.

Gary and myself then had a couple of beers and chatted while we continued to wait for things to set.

Around 4 pm this afternoon I will cut away the plastic covering the drain.  We are expecting showers later this evening and then again over the next few days.

I will need to find some dirt to finish off the drain.  Most likely I will put the border stones in place on Monday and get some timber to create a 'skirt' between the old fence level and the top of the border stones.

We expect around 27 degrees today but a cooler 22 and showers should greet us tomorrow.

But now it is off to the TV and the 2012 Grand Final! 

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