Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Tidy Up Time

Trish returns home from Melbourne tomorrow Thursday around 2:30 pm.  This means I have to get the washing all done, get the place vacuumed and any outside jobs completed.  Extensive showers were forecast for today and this has turned out to be the case.  Despite a couple of light showers yesterday I managed to get the washing done and to get it all dry.

Today's wet weather means I missed on my morning bike ride.

I will vacuum the floors later today and that should be it as far as floor cleaning is concerned.

One of the hassles with living in this part of the world is that of mildew.  Areas which don't totally dry out require a good clean at least once a year to get rid of any mildew buildup.  The area known as "The Beer Garden" at our home is one such area.  The new pressure cleaner was put to work yesterday and the area was given a good clean.  It looks heaps better.

Trish tells me the car door problems on our Melbourne car have not been totally overcome.  We use the remote controls all the time to lock the car.  The car's door keys are hardly ever used.  Now with the electronic alarm and door openers not working 100%, we have gone back to needing to use the keys to get into the car.  However the keys do not turn the door lock!

It looked like around $500 worth of new door lock barrels were required.  Trish dropped the car off yesterday to have the work done today.  The guy there tried a magic spray as a last resort as the locks may have seized owing to lack of use.  The locks were left to soak in the spray overnight.

Though a little stiff, the locks now work again so we have saved ourselves quite some money.  The car will have a basic service and we will throw the remote controls away meaning the car will now only lock using the keys. 

The thought of replacing the car did cross our minds.  We may be in the market for a cheap reliable car to use as our second vehicle when in Melbourne.  Any good deal would be considered!

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