Sunday, May 13, 2012

Glorious Sunday

The sun is shining and we expect a top temp around 26 degrees today.  And most days have been like this for the last week or so, just wonderful weather.

And as the couple of photos in this post will show, the scenery around the estate where I ride my bike is spectacular right now.

If you have read the two posts below you will see I did a 'presentation' at the computer club yesterday.  Read through it and you will get an idea of the sort of things we do at the club.  I had a bee in my bonnet regarding the way some people connect to the internet at the club so this was my way of telling them to think before they buy.  So many of them get onto wireless internet (via the mobile phone network) and then get disappointed.

Click on the photos for a larger view.

Things are back to normal.  I visited the cardiologist on Tuesday for an Echo cardiogram which went very well and indicated everything is fine.

Trish has been on a picnic as well as her two Arts Centre Days, Stitchers and Quilters.  On Thursday she worked the morning at the Tourist Information Centre.  I have been 'obtaining' a couple of TV Series and keeping the Community Association's website up to date.

I had an on site meeting with someone from Council to discuss the main road in and out of the estate and several other issues on our agenda.  That seemed to go well.

There weren't any 'drinks' on Friday, one couple is overseas while one of the other couple had a day's work to do.  He was employed for the day.

I had a couple of friends come around on Wednesday to check out movies at my place and other associated computer software stuff.  On another day I bottled my latest brew.

So it is back to normal.

This upcoming week we have friends from Newcastle stopping with us for several nights.  Better buy some red wine quickly!

While recently in Melbourne, Trish passed on some movie and TV Show files to friends down there.  My mate starting watching the TV Series "Rome" and rang me to tell me how much he was enjoying it.  I suggested he also have a look at a series called "Mrs Brown's Boys".  He was going to be busy but couldn't promise me he would check the series out.

At 10:30 the next morning the phone at home rang.  I thought to myself, "I bet that is Russ and I reckon he has watched a little bit of Mrs Brown's Boys".  I was correct on both grounds.  He couldn't remember his wife Irene laughing so much.  Needless to say he really enjoyed Mrs Brown's Boys.  I saw somewhere where it is to be shown on Channel 7 some time this year.  I would say for sure it will be on late night TV! 

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