Friday, May 25, 2012

Cold But Sunny Weekend On The Way

It continues to be quiet around the Thomas household with nothing out of the ordinary happening.  Trish gets to meetings on Mondays, Stitchers (where she is President) on Wednesdays, an afternoon out with the girls, volunteer work at the Tourist Info Centre on Thursdays and last but not least Quilters on Fridays.

Meanwhile I ride my bike most days weather permitting, do stuff for the Community Association, update a couple of websites I look after and keep a continuous lookout for new TV Shows or Movies online.  I continue to learn to master a program or two on the way through. Usually they are programs which help with our TV Movie watching.

Currently I am mastering a program called ThumbGen.

Not much more news really.  Today like much of the east coast of Australia is windy and wet.  Though by the time the real rain gets to the coast it will have petered out.  They reckon we will only get around 10mls where earlier in the week they were predicting more like 100mls.

Once the rain passes through we expect a cold icy westerly wind.  This means cold nights but bright sunny crisp days.

Weekend coming up so lots of footy on the TV.

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