Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Phone Fixed

I was mucking around on my PC around lunchtime today and noticed the internet had gone off. Trish said the mobile phone we had the landline calls diverted to gave a single ring but then nothing. I checked out the front of the house and saw a Telstra van there and the tech was messing around where the phone connects to the house. He had opened the connections box, took the wires out and things just fell apart in his hands. He reconnected it all up and was on his way. Our phone is working again and all was again fixed!

We have the sun back out again today, low 30's and humidity around 70%. I even got a bike ride in this morning which I reckon was my first full bike ride for over two weeks.

I downloaded an 'app' for my mobile phone called MapMyRide. I ran the 'app' as I rode my bike around this morning. The app connected to the phone's inbuilt "GPS" and noted where I went on my bike ride. When I arrived home I 'saved' the ride which the phone then sent to my MapMyRide Account on the internet.

You can find all about my ride HERE on the internet. If you go to the page and then click on the 'Full Page' icon it should open perfectly if you are using Internet Explorer.

If you use Firefox you may have to 'drag' the world map so SE Queensland is in the middle of your screen, you can then zoom in by clicking on the + sign (top left). Make sure you can still see the green arrow in the centre of your page as you zoom in. The map will eventually look like the one in the picture.

The numbers indicate the kilometre reading. Click on the blog picture to get a larger view, then click on the X (top right corner) to return to this page.

If you really want some fun click on the 3D icon and watch the ride again, (but this time it is in miles!) You will probably be asked to download and install a plug-in. Allow this to happen and watch the ride! It is rather spectacular with what it does. The Google map it shows is quite old because there are very few (if any) vacant blocks of land on this estate today!

The map isn't totally correct as I always stayed on either a road or a pathway. I guess the GPS picks up readings as the bike slopes over when you go around a bend giving the GPS a couple of incorrect readings. But nevertheless, still good for free!

The 'app' and the website account are all 'free'.

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