Friday, January 13, 2012

Hot, Hot, Hot!

Tuesday and Wednesday saw SE Queensland experience its hottest temperatures for several years. It was heading towards 37 degrees here at Caloundra and with humidity around 60% it was decidedly uncomfortable. The blustery wind was from the north west which is akin to hot northerlies blowing in Melbourne.

The strong north west winds blocked out the cooler NE sea breeze so it hardly cooled down as much as usual overnight. The pool almost reached 31 degrees so, though pleasant, wasn't a great place to cool off.

The air conditioner would start up around 1pm and be set to 27 degrees. This with the ceiling fans made our living area at home extremely comfortable. We watched a little of the tennis on TV over these days.

A cooler south easterly change came through Thursday morning dropping top temps back to around 28 degrees, still very comfortable and still warm enough to swim. The air-con went back into hibernation for a well earned rest.

During our trip to Melbourne recently I noticed several people had a 32" TV as their 'second' TV. Trish sometimes watches TV in her sewing room. She has a 22" "Hicon" lcd TV in there which we bought some time ago. I decided it was time to update so I was keeping my eyes open for a 'special' deal.

Yesterday I bought a 32" Changhong TV for under $250. It has two USB ports for TV Recording and for Media Playing (it will play most of my downloaded movies), it is High Def and comes with a 2 year warranty. It also has a built in DVD player. It looks pretty good and is ideal as a second TV!

My sister's youngest boy Beau and his girlfriend Jess popped in yesterday for lunch and a chat. Beau has been on extended leave from his teaching job in Victoria while Jess spends time with her mum and dad who live nearby in Mooloolaba. The leave has now finished and Beau has to return to Melbourne to resume his job.

The home brew got a little bit of a belting!

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