Wednesday, January 25, 2012

290mls In One Day

It rained nearly all day yesterday and we finished with 289 mls in the rain gauge. It was steady rain all day so we didn't have the flooded front street like we have had in the past. However the pool filled to overflowing during one of the heavier downpour periods.

The photos will give you an idea what it was like. The rain would ease off after 30 minutes and allow puddles to clear. So by 6am today the pool was back to its normal level.

Remember to click on the photos for a larger view, then click on the X to return to this page.

The rain has effected our phone line. Internet has been on and off all day. I have lodged a line fault with Telstra and they agree there seems to be something wrong. My guess is when the pits dry out everything will be OK again.

The heaviest rain now appears to be heading south. We have friends driving up for Newcastle to get a few "k's" on their leased vehicle and spend a couple of nights with us. We are keeping them up to speed with weather updates from here.

They will spend tonight in Coffs Harbour and re evaluate their position as to whether they will drive the final 500k's to spend two nights here!

Right now as I type the sun has poked its head through the clouds. It is around 25 degrees with 92% humidity. However the travellers will be travelling through some of the very heavy rain we have had as it heads south into New South Wales.

The cricket continues on TV in between me disconnecting and reconnecting phone line connections across the house to allow Telstra to carry out line fault checks. The phone line for the internet connection is in the wall and underneath/behind the computer table.

I am too old to be crawling underneath computer tables and feeling around to the left hand side to plug and unplug phone lines. The connection is to the left at the rear of the table in the photo!

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