Thursday, July 07, 2011

Quiet And Laid Back!

The wind is a little chilly but it is still in the low 20's in our backyard. It was a cool 6 degrees or so this morning but soon warmed up.

Yesterday Trish and I had all sorts of problems trying to upload a web site Trish had built for a friend Anne Atkin. We had the new username and password for the website sent on to us. Usually you just log into the hosting site using username and password and quickly sort out uploading the raw website from your PC to the online site. The came the time to test it so we typed in and got nothing on our web browser! We did it all again, deleted the webite from online and then carefully uploaded it all again.

We then tried to access the site online and still it wouldn't work.

We tried some other passwords and again nothing came online at I was about ready to throw the laptop into the pool when I got Trish to again check her emails with all the information on them. We had been at it for about an hour all without luck.

And then we found it, the website was actually! Typed in the CORRECT address and there it was.

Then there was more fine tuning to do. My Computer monitor is set to 1920 x 1080 while Trish's laptop monitor is set to 1366 x 768. So what looked great on her laptop look spaced out and stupid on mine. On my PC some of the different heading styles and fonts were obvious while not on the laptop. You get a bit of an idea on what I mean if you click on the screenshot of the website above left. That is taken from my larger screened PC.

It is all looking pretty good now and we hope Anne is pleased with the outcome.

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