Thursday, July 21, 2011

At Last The Wind Is Easing!

Kate, Arj and family got away safely and on time on Tuesday night. Their flight was a 7:00 pm departure.

Wednesday was spent catching up on chores around the house with several loads of washing going through the machine!

My bike ride was more difficult than usual with very strong southerly winds buffeting the area. Not only were the winds strong, they were very cool as well. It struggled to get to 20 degrees but it was OK when you could get out of the wind. Needless to say the pool is full of rubbish.

I was hoping the kids would want the old PC but they decided against it. The deal was they had to get it home and this proved to be too difficult for them. It has now been 'put away', the monitor has gone back into its box and the office table top is looking a lot neater!

Click on the picture for a larger view, then click "Back" to return to this page.

I had bought a cheap Hi Def Set Top Box (STB) for Trish to use on 'her' TV. She didn't like it and still prefers to record her shows on her old VCR. I put the STB on the cheap CRT TV I have in the office. It works OK. It is the small black box you can see on top of the filing cabinet.

I have found a couple of good TV series available for download. These are US shows and don't get onto TV here. They both rank quite highly in the USA and have great reviews and scores. The titles are "Southland" and "Breaking Bad". The latter program is a little 'tongue in the cheek' and tells the story of a cancer suffering science teacher who decides to get into the drug business. His partner in crime is a former student who was a school drop out and has become quite a successful drug dealer. We have gone back to watch series 1 from the start. The current series in the US is series 4.

Another quite good TV series is called "Mad Men".

We are both enjoying all the TV series very much.

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