Saturday, July 16, 2011

And The Rain Poured down!

We have had 2" of rain overnight, the grandkids have been pretty good but they are locked up inside! However I think they are off to the movies this afternoon which will get them out!

They all went to the Ginger factory at Yandina yesterday. There is lots of free stuff there with train rides, boat rides and lovely gardens. Though a little overcast the weather was great for checking things out.

There was also a Chocolate factory to catch up on as well as a "Pick Your Own" Strawberry Farm. It was a pretty good day all round!

I went around to a friend's place to help him connect his older PC to his home network by wireless. He has a good older PC with Vista on it but it didn't seem to want to connect. It was a Dell PC and has recently been repaired and had Vista reinstalled. When I started on it I reckoned there was something wrong with it. It appears the Utilities Disks hadn't been installed. I had to go but I heard from him later the Utilities disk had now all been installed and it seemed to be running beautifully. Perhaps the wireless connection will work a little better now.

The kids got back from the Ginger Factory mid afternoon so I got to go with Kate and Arj to "Trade Secret", a factory outlet store we have here. Before that we had a kick of the footy! I had an extra "Mobic" tablet for my back this morning, it was a bit sore after the big game.

Today I did a bottling and had the pleasure of James helping me, we had a great time and got the job done .... eventually. He was the official bottle shaker to make sure all the sugar was mixed in properly.

While Trish and Kate take the kids to the movies this afternoon, Arj and I will watch the footy live on TV! Arj is a "Blues" supporter and this afternoon the Blues take on the top of the table Collingwood! My team plays tomorrow!

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