Friday, May 01, 2009

Paul Kelly

Paul Kelly is an Australian musician who is very well known here. He has had numerous hit songs and is a very popular performer. Last night Paul Kelly performed here in Caloundra and Trish and I went along to a packed "Caloundra Event Centre' to listen in. It was a night not to be missed.

Paul Kelly was preceded on stage by an American Blues singer named Charlie Parr. Throughout the 40 minute session he sang about 10 songs and to the uninitiated you may well have thought many of the songs were the same. But could this guy play the guitar? It was worth watching just to see how he made that guitar dance.

After an intermission of about 20 minutes, Paul Kelly and his group came on stage. A very pleasant surprise was that the single female backing singer was Vikka Bull. She sang at least half a dozen songs and man, can she belt out a song! She is a terrific singer. I found I need not have worn my hearing aid to the concert last night and I would not have missed a thing!

But Paul Kelly was certainly the highlight of the night. We both enjoyed some of his slower less rocky songs such as "To Her Door". The night was great. The group came back on for two encores and finished at about 11 pm.

This same concert gets down to Melbourne (Paul Kelly's home town) about May 22nd.

A cool overcast day today, especially this afternoon with temp about 21 or so. Winter is on its way! It was sunny this morning when we had a 14k bike ride.


Anonymous said...

HA! I can't wait to see him play (again) from the second row in Melbourne!

Sounds like it was great dad.

Texas Lou said...

Of course I have never heard of him but I know how nice it is to get to go to a concert or something like that and really enjoy it.
Summer is arriving rapidly now. It went to 94F (35C) this afternoon and the air conditioner was running.