Tuesday, May 12, 2009

More Computer Stuff

It continues busy at the Thomas household.

Saturday's Computer Club was busy for me. One older member had done a System Restore all the way back for a month! She had almost 400MB of updates to do to get everything up to date again. Fortunately members have free internet access at the club so she was able to update it all. I also updated her firewall and now everything seems OK again.

I helped another chap with his Blog Page and advised him on 'easy' ways to get to his blog's "Dashboard" (where you plan what you will do that day on your Blog). Later he sent me a nice email saying all was working well.

Then another older lady wanted to insert a Wordfind into the monthly newsletter she wrote. Eventually we did a screenshot of the wordfind and inserted it via word as if inserting a picture into a piece. It turns out the Newsletter is for one of Trish's Stitchery Groups!

Yesterday in the morning a helped a guy to burn CD's and DVD's. Then Trish and I went to the doctors to update our prescriptions and to have our annual flu jabs. After lunch we headed to a local Shopping Centre. I was after a sleeveless light colored jacket, just ideal for where we live.

Trish is off on a sewing Bus trip today to Toowoomba while I headed back to sort out that Network I tried to set up from last week. Upon arrival we started up both computers. I said to her not to be surprised if the network is up and running. As soon as we started them up, the computers 'saw' each other. Then it was just a case of quickly setting up folder sharing and it was all done.

She is now pleased to be able to easily swap photos and files between their two computers.

With the scare I got the other week from the power surge I spotted a surge protected power board for sale on the internet. It also has individual switches for each outlet as well as a couple of well spaced outlets to take 'power adapters'. I was able to install it just behind the printer and monitor where I have good access to the switches. Each switch has its own red indicator light so I reckon it will look like a decorated Christmas tree each night when we turn the lights out! We won't need a 'night light' in the Computer Room any more.

This afternoon the sun has struggled to show its face. It is cool, about 22 degrees after 15 overnight. It is supposed to be about 26 on the weekend.

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