Friday, May 29, 2009

It Is Friday.

The week has gone quickly!

The weather has been perfect, mid to low teens overnight and early to mid 20's during the day. We have been bike riding most mornings. Some days three of us ride nowadays and we all are home brewers. So as we ride we discuss how are brews are going or what we are up to that day. If things are of interest we may tag along together. A couple of days we have finished up at someone's place and enjoyed a home brew together. I put another brew on this morning.

Tony has been getting Skype up and running on his Dell laptop. It now runs perfectly after his 'sound' problems. Yesterday a friend of theirs brought a laptop around to have Skype put on it too. Needless to say that was thirsty work so after everything was operating OK we had a couple of drinks together. Trish came with me and all three of the ladies present were members of Quilters or Stitchers so the ladies already knew each other too.

Trish and I both try to take a 20 minute walk most days. A walk down to around the lake and then back home is about 20 minutes. Right now there are some lovely autumn blossoms on a species of tree around the lake and the lorikeets are fighting with the honeyeaters as to who is going to get the nectar. The lorikeets are very pretty birds.

This afternoon I am off to check out a new external hard drive. The 'big' one I have does not have a good arrangement with the switch at the back of it. You can always get it to work but I am just scared that one day it won't work and I will be up the creek with my backups! One thing you can guarantee with an external hard drive is that one day it will die!

They are reasonably cheap to buy nowadays so I am going to check a couple of places out this afternoon.

John Hough is another friend of mine from the Computer Club. John is currently in Sydney where there is a family thing happening. Anyway, he sent me the joke which follows below. I hope you get a laugh from it.

It's Tough Getting Old

A senior citizen goes in for his yearly physical with his wife tagging along.
When the doctor enters the examination room he says, "I will need a urine sample, a stool sample, and a sperm sample."

The man, being hard of hearing, turns to his wife and asks, "What did he say?"

The wife yells back to him, "GIVE HIM YOUR UNDERPANTS"

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