Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thursday's News

The weather has remained cooler indicating autumn (Fall) is well and truly with us. (I like to keep Texas Lou up to speed here ... only joking Lou Ann). Nights have cooled off and days see us with cool winds and temperatures struggling to get to 25.

I had more dental treatment yesterday for a different tooth to the one which had root canal treatment. I needed a large filling to be replaced. The filling was a bit like me, getting a bit old. Hopefully the new filling will stop any problems. Trish went to Stitchers and had a great time gossiping!

Last night we tried out a new Indian restaurant in town here. Food was quite good but when I say it was too hot, it must have been hot! Nice to have something like restaurant this only 5 minutes or so down the road. I only wish it was B.Y.O.

The dust problem has stopped to a certain extent. A few light showers early in the morning yesterday settled it a bit. As you can see from these two photos, there is a lot of earth moving going on, much more than was seen at the development of any other stage of the Estate. Click on each photo for a larger view, then on "Back" to return to this page.

This morning the weather was fine enough to take a bike ride. I couldn't resist this view of Duck Holes Ponds. It is a very pretty spot. The weather wasn't warm enough for a swim after I got home and I may look at wearing something warmer each morning, the air is quite brisk at 7 am here!

While it is cool here in Australia, Lou Ann in Texas is showing me photos of Texan wildflowers blooming as spring is in the air where she lives.

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