Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sensational Sunday

We are enjoying a late burst of autumn with some beautiful weather the last few days. It is high 20's outside at the moment and a cloudless sky!

We have bought new shoes ready for our overseas trip in about 10 days. This morning we decided to walk along a new pathway which runs in the sand dunes along the beach. It was glorious. The Council has just completed this footbridge which finally joins the pathways together making for one continuous path. This is great way for us to wear-in the new footwear.

Though the weather has been coolish the last few weeks, the sea has remained quite warm encouraging beach walkers, swimmers, surfers and fisherman as well to use the beach on such a perfect day. This was taken using the 12x zoom on the new camera along the beach here looking towards Dicky Beach. If you view the larger view of this photo you may just make out the remains of the SS Dicky in the sand centre left in this photo. I am now up to 220+ photos using the Hong Kong Battery and still no 'low battery' indicator can be seen!

Check out the links on the right to "King's Beach" and "Bulcock's Beach". Just click on the play button for your direct web stream to come through.

I almost had a heart attack when watching my footy team play in Perth on Friday night. A one point victory was enough to drive a man to drink.

I attended Computer Club yesterday and I was asked to have my photo taken and give a quick pen-picture of myself to be included in a future edition of the Computer Club Newsletter. When asked what I did on the computer I quietly said I download pirate software and movies off the net. The guy asking me the questions turned out to be a kindred spirit and we gleefully swapped great websites from which we could download our movies etc.

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