Friday, January 11, 2008

Cool Caloundra While Melbourne Swelters

The last couple of days have been 'warmish' but overcast with the threat of rain. The pool has remained the popular spot with the grand kids along with having me download their favorite movies from the web and then burn them into DVD's!

We managed to get out for a while Thursday morning for a walk along the boardwalk and to investigate many of the playgrounds which abound down by the beach. We took a look at the sea water pool which looked great except for the blustery wind and dirty looking water, a reminder of the stormy conditions we had the week before. The Bowls club was our venue for an evening meal and Andrew seemed keen on the "Keno".

When we awoke on Friday the rain gauge held about 7 mls of rain and the skies were ready to drop some more. Meanwhile in Melbourne they had just been enduring their third consecutive day with temperatures above 40 degrees. Texas Lou, that is well over 100 degrees! After heat for that length of time everything is HOT!

While the others went for a look around some shops in the morning in the wet weather, Andrew and I burnt a DVD then set about making some beer. I have been asked about 25 times in the last few days if I was making beer and today it was a relief to say "yes!". He stirred the mix as I added the water. It was quite a production line affair and we had the brew away in the garage where it will ferment for the next week or so. We will wash the bottles sometime next week.

From there it was time to give the floors a quick vacuum while the place was fairly empty. Andrew again did a good job and with a little help from his Pa we got it all finished and looking a little better. Then he sat down and watched The Simpsons Movie I had burnt to DVD while I jumped on the internet.

Despite being about 25 degrees, the kids went back in the pool this afternoon. They were glad I had disposed of the Cane Toad which had ended up in the pool overnight. My two iron put this pest out of its misery! They are a real pest here in Queensland.

Later that afternoon we caught up with Kate and Charli via Skype over the computer.

Earlier this year we were give a great blow up chair to use in the pool as a gift. It is the chair Chris is sitting in in the previous post. We put the chair into use in October and it has been a popular addition to the pool. A few days ago it developed a leak and went flat. I looked at repairing the leak but couldn't get to it. I emailed the company in USA which makes them and told them I wanted to fix it if possible. I was told by reply email they cannot be repaired. After another email where they wanted some purchase details I was told today I would be receiving a voucher to take to the local K Mart store for a replacement. Great service and just goes to show what a quick email can achieve!

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