Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Rest and Recovery Time

We have been fairly quiet here on the Sunshine Coast following the departure of our recent visitors. We have been just 'chilling out' recovering from a very hectic month or so. It all began on December 18th when we flew to Melbourne for Christmas with the family.

Soon after we returned home early in January 2008 we hosted John Logan and his wife Sue for several days prior to Chris, Wendy, Andrew and Emily arriving and staying for 2 weeks.

Weather remains coolish with today expected to get to about 27 degrees.

I have been a little busy reinstalling Windows XP on the laptop computer. It was taking ages to load so a reinstall was certainly required. Now it reloads in about 4 minutes compared to at least 10 minutes earlier!

Not only did Windows require installing, but then I had to reinstall much of the software. Getting the Laptop to be recognized by the Main PC on the Home network took a bit more fiddling around as did getting the 'shared printer' attached to the Main PC to work wirelessly from Laptop too.

But all is operating pretty well now.

Now we only want the Share Market to recover a bit so we can rest a little easier!

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