Sunday, January 27, 2008

Cool (And Wet) Summer Continues

The weather is still quite pleasant but we are not having the heat of the summer of 2005/6. A quick check shows Maroochydore recorded almost 30 days with a maximum temperature of 30 or more degrees for December, January and February in 05/06. In January 2006 Maroochydore recorded 5 days or 30 or more. In January 2008 we have not had a 30 degree day yet and only 1 day of 30 or more so far for the summer. However we have had plenty of rain with over two inches more rain this month than the January average of 7 inches!

This warm and wet weather has seen the grass grow like crazy and plants have shot up and spread out too. Here you can see new plants beside a new bikeway have grown across the pathway restricting some movement, especially when us bike riders try to pass an elderly couple taking their dog for a walk!

Even the pool has remained a little cooler than the previous hot summers. The pool temp struggles to get above 26 at the moment and 22 or so overnight. In a hot summer the pool gets to over 30 during the day and a warm 26 overnight.

This photo was taken at a huge parkland nearby where the grass had at last been cut. You could almost 'bale' it to make hay there is so much cut grass there. The long grass has meant the ground cannot dry out so this area below remains quite soggy! You may want to click on this photo for a larger view. Then just click on "Back" to return to this page.

We watched a downloaded copy of the movie 'No Country For Old Men' last night. It is rated highly by critics but we found we still had unanswered questions at the end of the movie. There is plenty of murder and mayhem throughout the story but the ending was not at all as we had expected. We even found ourselves replaying some of the story to see if we had missed any bits. We 'think' we have it worked out now .......

Both Trish and I are back to our bike riding now. I can sure 'feel' that I have been off the bike for a fair while, the legs get a bit sore. But the pool at 23+ this morning was wonderful after I had ridden another 11 kilometres before breakfast!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, that field that was freshly cut would be worth baling over here as lush grass like that is so scarce in our part of Texas. Last summer was an unusually wet one and we did make a huge hay crop from planted seeds. Rich grass like that doesn't "just happen" here in West Texas, though the eastern side of the state is very rainy and sultry.