Saturday, April 28, 2007

Receiving And Making Mobile Phone Calls

When either Trish or my mobile phone begins to ring there is pandemonium in the house! We have pretty ordinary mobile phone reception at home especially inside the house. We need to grab the ringing phone and run up this corridor to the master bedroom at front of the house and into the bay window area.

It then takes a few seconds for the phone to re establish connection to the network and for the stronger signal to register on the phone. In most cases by the time this has happened we have missed the call! A few seconds later the message bank ring goes off telling us whoever could not get through to us has left a voice message. It is very frustrating!

People who remember about this often give us a quick call on the mobile and let it ring out. They don't leave a message but ring back a minute or two later! This happened the other night when we got a call from 'down south'. It worked perfectly! We took the call and had a great chat.

The other option for us is to race outside with phone in hand to the back corner of the pool area (near the pool filter pump). Again we have to make sure the stronger signal has registered on the phone before answering! This is easy as long as we have left the gates to the pool area open.

It is something about being on a 'rim' which means we have the poor service.

It sure keeps you fit and on the ball!

I am currently considering upgrading our dial up internet to broadband. What a minefield of information that is! I am using this site a bit to help me out.

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