Friday, April 13, 2007

Pressure Cleaner

About 18 months ago I bought a cheap water pressure cleaner from Bunnings. It does a great job cleaning the paving, pathways, windows and sunblinds around the house. It came with a soap dispenser bottle and everything else (including a two year warranty) all at under $100.

The nozzle split so I utilised the warranty and had it replaced. They messed up my claim and in the end I was sent 2 replacement nozzles.

Just the other day I noticed the soap dispenser bottle had snapped its neck and was no longer usable. You can see the broken screwtop section in this photo. Having nothing better to do with my time I contacted the manufacturer (GMC) a month ago for a new one under warranty. I was told to email them a copy of the receipt and they would send me a replacement within three weeks.

As my replacement bottle had not been received by yesterday I decided to follow up on the issue by phone. The girl with whom I spoke looked up my claim and said there was no problem. She looked quickly and saw there were heaps of soap dispenser bottles in store so she would make sure one was sent ASAP.

She then looked further into my claim and saw that a replacement had already been sent on Tuesday. She looked closer and saw that they were sending me a completely new high pressure cleaner to replace for the soap bottle! Not only that but they were sending me a model worth two to three times what I had originally purchased and that I should receive it on Tuesday April 18th!

I will let you know how I get on!

As last night (Thursday) was the first night since Trish had returned from Melbourne 3 weeks ago and that we were both getting over our heavy head colds, we treated ourselves to a meal at "Spirit Of Tibet". It was fantastic, beautiful tasty curries (especially the "Spicy Prawns). Most of you who have been up here with us will have experienced "Spirit", it is a top class eating spot with great food.

A footy on TV weekend with some time Saturday afternoon at a kid's birthday party. Our former neighbours are celebrating their youngest child's first birthday and we have been invited!

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