Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Nifty Gadget

I must admit I do enjoy playing around on eBay. Most days Trish and I ride our bikes for up to an hour as exercise. When asked "How far do we ride?" we give a very rough estimation of the distance. I was browsing eBay and saw these Bicycle odometers up for auction. I successfully bid for one (total = $18) and it arrived yesterday. Looks pretty nifty doesn't it? My successful bid was 99c and the postage was $16.99!

From this photo you can see the read out from this morning's ride, I travelled 13.2 kilometres, the ride time was just over 40 minutes, I took the photo at 7:52 am and I averaged 19.35 kilometres per hour. You press the large black elongated button at the bottom and it changes 'mode' and tells you the total time the bike has been ridden, total kilometres and even the current temperature. This morning's ride took place in a temp of 28 degrees (that is in the sun).

The odometer easily clips on and off the bike for safe storage. Would be a great gift for Christmas I reckon!

The link to Appznet on the right has temporarily changed. An email I received says it MAY return to the old link address but temporarily it is at http://www.appznet.com/best/index.php If you wish to get to all the free software available for download you need to register to get into the Appznet site and you are asked to supply an email address. You can always use a simple Hotmail or Yahoo free email address if you want to.

I have adjusted "Les' Links" so the link now goes to the new Appznet site.

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