Friday, November 24, 2006

A Lot Warmer

After some extremely pleasant but mild and clear weather, today has been sunny and quite warm. The temp was 26 at 9 am while the pool was at 25. It is about lunchtime as I type and the cool sea breeze is already blowing from the northeast and blows right 'through' the house. The temp will probably get to about 28 or so this afternoon.

The backyard is enclosed so does not always get the best of the breezes. The house faces northeast to catch the sea breeze during the day but the downside is the back of the house faces southwest and, late in the summer afternoon, gets the setting sun. The blinds help to keep the sun off the living areas at the back of the house.

Sitting beside the pool under the shade of the palms is the place to be late afternoon!

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