Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Cooling Down

After the oppressive weekend with temperatures hovering around the 40° mark, the cool wind change has brought the daily max back to around 30° along with that great afternoon cooling sea-breeze we tend to get most days.  The weather has just been delightful since the wind has changed.

The cooler nights have seen the pool temp come in at around 26° most mornings and climb to about 28° or so late in the day.  Now the pool is again truly 'refreshing'.

Much of the cooler weather has been accompanied by quite stronger south easterlies.  Strong wind warnings have seen me give the bike riding away for a while but has given me the chance to put another brew on, to now already have washed all the bottles ready for the upcoming bottling, to have given the car a good wash after the Melbourne trip, and to have given the lawn a mow.

I borrowed Kate's car wash gear when we were in Melbourne.  It was kit she had bought from Costco and had a great car wash mit you wore with a tough material on one side and softer gear on the other.  A 4000km round trip down south accrues quite a few bugs smashed across the front of the car which are usually hard to wash way.   But my pressure hose sprayer and new Costco provided car washing kit (with the great car wash mit) managed to do the job quickly and very effectively.

And now to some other updates.

The car ignition lock barrel has been repaired by the locksmith and now works perfectly again.  I shuddered at the thought of having to buy a new lock and keys from the car manufacturer but, fortunately, a much less expensive alternative has worked out perfectly.

The quotes for an air conditioner in the bedroom are all in and one has now been accepted.  As pensioners, were get a discount of around $200 if we have it installed via "St Andrews Care".  And to top it all off we look like we may be eligible for a further $400 rebate from the government with two of the incentive schemes they have running at the moment.  With all that in mind we get the unit installed for less than $1000 which seems a pretty good deal to us.

We are out for tea again tonight, a Thai place in Caloundra with alfresco dining in a courtyard.  It sounds pretty good to me.

The wind is expected to drop overnight so the bike which also got a good was wash with the pressure hose and new mit today, should get back out on the road tomorrow.

Teachers go back to school tomorrow in this part of the world with kids due to start on Monday.  There is a new school opening just down the road so the beginning of a new school year is a big deal for this area.  The duplication of the main road into the area is in full swing but is causing a few holdups during construction.

So that is today's update, not too enthralling I regret but that is what it is!

1 comment:

Texas Lou said...

I'll tell you about our respite from the heat. The thermometer on our back patio read 6 F (-14 C) this morning. My kitchen sink is on an outside wall so I opened the doors and placed an electric heater to blow warm air in all night. The cold water did NOT freeze like it did on a similar cold morning during the first week of January. Our trouble is no moisture. Much of the rest of Texas had snow, but we were just dry and very cold. Even though we have to bundle up in coats, gloves and warm hats, I relish it because our summers are as hot as you are now and one cannot take off enough to be cool and I am stuck in the house with air conditioning to stay cool. And we have many more months of hot weather than we have cool. Our pecan trees made a bumper crop so Alton is shelling nuts nearly every day. My freezer is about full so I may have to take some to daughter's freezer. We share with our kids and friends. I keep up with you on your blog.