Sunday, September 17, 2017

Wind, Wind, Go Away!

Today the wind isn't so bad and we still have a stiff southerly blowing again!  The last week has seen strong north westerlies before it swung around to the south west.  But it was still a fairly strong and consistent wind.  For a day or so it was the windy summer's nor' easter and I even got in the pool after a bike ride for a very quick swim one morning.

Then the wind swung back to the south again for a day or so and today we again have a blustery south easter blowing.

Pair this with hardly a drop of rain over the last month or so and the accompanying dust with the wind you can imagine what it is like.  It is a waste of time to clean the pool, an hour or so after cleaning, the pool floor is covered with dirt again.  I went and bought a new 'cartridge' for the filter.  The guy says you should change them every 3 years.  I reckon the pool is well over 12 years old and this is only its third new filter cartridge.

In the photo you can see dirt on the floor and on the steps of pool steps.  You have to vacuum at least a couple of times so as to get most of the dirt.  It rises up as the vacuum goes by then settles again after you have put all the cleaning equipment away!

Or you just wait until the wind subsides and you get a clear go at it over a day or so.  It is dusty under the back pergola, it is dusty everywhere.  Headlines in today's local paper are around a 50% chance of rain later in the week.  People using tank water have to wait up to 4 weeks for a tank fill up from the water carting companies.

You can imagine what bike riding is like as well with the windy conditions.  It is great one way then bloody murder riding back again!

Hay Fever is something I used to get very infrequently when I was younger but I reckon I had a slight dose yesterday afternoon.   But at least the weather is warm with mid 20's experienced most days.

But other than the weather and my footy team's great unexpected win on Friday night, it just the same old same old stuff.

We are watching the final series of a TV Show called "Bloodlines".  It has been a great series so we are looking forward to see how it finishes up.  Before we watch each new episode there is a brief summary of it as well as that episode's IMDB 'score'.

Usually the scores are around 8.5 or so but we see the last 2 episodes rate 5.5 and then finally a 4.0.  Now they are not the scores you would expect for an exciting climax to rate.  Last night's episode was a little unbelievable and it got an 8!  I seem to think we may miss the rest of the series the way it is going!

For us there is plenty of other stuff to watch anyway!

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