Friday, July 21, 2017

I'm Good

Our internet is all up and running again.  After a day or so of trying to sort out the dropouts and lower speeds over the phone, it was necessary for a Tech to physically check things locally.  I received a call around 1pm on Wednesday saying the tech was in the area and would be checking the line out.  A moment or so later the internet went off and stayed that way for well over an hour.

Eventually I got a call back from him saying our phone line had numerous faults and he had spent some time sorting them all out.  All had been sorted and the internet should be fine again.  After a few flaky times over Thursday with download speeds varying markedly, I decided to reboot the modem/router this morning (Friday) and it seems to be fine again with things settling down and running more consistently.

We have been through one of the coldest mornings for the year this morning.  Evidently it was around 5° or 6° but I am not sure it was quite that cold here.  The gusty wind has died down but still seems to be blowing directly off the Australian Alps because it is freezing outside if you are in the wind.

I was in the midst of the wind during my 16k bike ride this morning and I was fairly pleased when I had finished.

And yesterday Thursday I was told by the doctor that my breathing and slight case of exercise induced asthma was perfectly under control.  All I need now is the second crown to be fitted by the dentist in a couple of weeks and everything will be under control. All should be OK for our trip to Melbourne later in August.

Trish is at Quilters and then out for lunch with the girls.  I am at home keeping warm and eating any left over Indian food from the restaurant last night.  Just the two of us headed out to a new Indian/Nepalese restaurant in town here.  The food was OK and the place itself was great.  Give us some warmer weather and it will be a great place to eat.

Having travelled to India a couple of times we find the food we get at Indian Restaurants here at home disappointing after having eaten over there.  The food here is best described as bland Indian food.  In India the taste of the food was intense and was a great experience for the taste buds.

We have air tickets booked for Kuala Lumpur in November and we are looking forward to that enormously.  As usual, a major reason for travelling to Malaysia is to eat!

Footy is on this weekend with my team playing in a top of the table clash over in Adelaide.  It is a very difficult place to win at so it will be tight game.  There's plenty of footy this weekend and I have Computer Club on Saturday as well.  I may take a little time and celebrate my good health with a few beers.

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