Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Don't Let The Blue Skies Fool You

It looks great doesn't it?  Lovely blue sky with hardly a cloud to be seen.  Today is one of those "Is but feels like" days.  It is around 21° according to the thermometer but in reality it feels like 13° when you take in the wind chill factor.

It is quite cold outside, it's a jeans and long sleeve polo top sort of a day.  And as the wind is blowing a gale from the south west, it wouldn't be a good day for a bike ride either.

This morning, (Weds) was back to the dentist to have one crown fitted and another tooth prepared with a temporary crown.  I was in the chair for 45 mins, had several pain killing injections having both jobs done.  Though still quite numb right now, my mouth feels quite different with the new tooth and the temporary crown both quite unfamiliar to me.

As the photo above shows it is also a bottle washing day.  I put a brew on Sunday afternoon, bottle washed today instead of a bike ride, and should bottle sometime over the weekend or early next week.  Now I use larger 18x1.125 bottles bottle washing and bottling days are much quicker than they used to be when I did 30x750 ml bottles.

This afternoon's chore is to sit and wait for my Internet Provider's technician to arrive and sort out my broadband connection.  We have been having dropouts with the internet going off and then returning a couple of minutes later.  This has been happening over recent weeks.  Then on Sunday there was a massive drop in my internet speed.  After checking with a neighbour with internet via the same provider, I finally discovered we have a connection problem.

The photo above shows a PC program I have which maps the download of a movie.  You can see by the green there was a connection hiccup, it came back a few seconds later, slowed and then there was the disconnection.  A minute later the connection was re established and the download continued.

I was on the phone to a technician in India on Monday to try to sort it out.  They tried a couple of things which got the speed back and were hopeful the drop out problem would be solved as well.  Sadly the drop outs continued on Tuesday and I made another phone call.  This time it was decided to reset my connection and to get someone to come out and check here onsite.

The guy is due sometime this afternoon (Weds) to sort it all out.  The speed is still great so there is minimal disruption to my internet at the moment.

I did two bike rides yesterday, one for 17k's in the morning and the other 13k ride was during the afternoon.  It filled in the day nicely and gave me a good reason to bottle wash this morning prior to heading off to the dentist.

I saw the cardiologist on Monday and have been given another all clear. I have a spirometry test Thursday afternoon.  So it is a busy health week this week.

The Internet Provider's technician just rang and is due here shortly.

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