Thursday, May 11, 2017


As I mentioned in the last post, our 12 year old Samsung beer fridge was on death's door for around the 4th time upon our return from 15 nights overseas.  The doors to the freezer and the fridge itself always have to be second checked to make sure they are closed fully.

We have previously been woken during the night by the old fridge making dreadful noises as during mid summer the freezer door hadn't been closed properly and in the sub tropical heat the motor had been whirring and loudly chugging away trying to freeze everything.

And this has happened since but usually it is found within a few hours and the door is carefully closed fully and properly.

But for this last incident I must have fully packed the fridge before we went to Bali for 15 nights.  The door was not fully closed and therefore not fully sealed.  So when we arrived back home and went to the beer fridge for a cold drink, shock horror, the door hadn't been fully closed and sealed and everything inside was hardly cold at all!

Despite closing it up again and keeping fingers crossed anything inside hardly cooled over the next day or so.  We began checking the local appliance stores online to see what a replacement would cost and it seemed we were looking at over $400, possibly up to $500.

Then Trish found a possible solution online in a forum.  As the door was slightly ajar, humid damp air had found its way into the fridge over the fortnight and the dampness had frozen blocking the ducts which carry cold freezer air down into the fridge compartment.

So turn it off for around a day, let everything defrost and drip away, fire the fridge up again and cross your fingers.

Cross the fingers we did and the unkillable fridge did its job.  It is now fully laden with icy cold soft drink, refreshing home brew and a few other odds and sods.  The frozen gunk in the freezer ducts had defrosted and drained away!

This fridge is 'unkillable'.

A glorious day today, sunny and low to mid 20's.  But we had around 30mls the day or so before today and the wet is expected to return tomorrow.  That's OK, it's bottle washing day!

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