Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Seminyak, One More Night.

Today has been showery. This morning's walk up the street for any last minute shopping was not so hot. However as it warmed up and the humidity rose from the everyday 85% to a stinking 95% it sure felt hot again.

So it was some new Havianas for Trish, a few more small gifts for grandchildren and family members and then a spot of lunch just beside the Bintang Supermarket which is where this photo was taken. This seems a normal Bali traffic shot!

Then as the drizzle recommenced it was back to the hotel.

As you have probably worked out Bali is very much a shopping for T Shirts sort of place. Other items may be a little cheaper than home but then you won't get the range. Even the cheap Bali knock off watches are not a good deal when you can buy online from China for less. The $10 T Shirt is probably lesser quality than the $12 on special one you can buy on special at Big W!

You will get your good shopping deals, great nights out at OK restaurants for less than at home but for us that's about it.

I chatted with a guy the other day who was on about his 20th Bali trip. They stay at the same hotel, enjoy the same restaurants and have a great holiday every time. He and his wife are still working and look forward to their annual holiday in Bali with much pleasure.

They enjoy the holiday destination. We already live in a great holiday destination ourselves on the Sunshine Coast so really we don't need to travel to Bali for this sort of a holiday.

Don't get me wrong, we have had a great time on our Bali trip, but I am not sure we would come here 20 times or more. Trish sure enjoys all the eating out and not having to cook.

We are now beginning to get our heads around packing and heading home. This seems pretty well in hand at the moment.

The next big decision is where to for our dinner tonight. Right now it seems The Kuali where we had grilled snapper and a chicken curry for last night's meal will most likely win the vote for tonight.

Probably the next post will be from home. We should get to our home around mid morning Thursday. We fly out of Bali at 11:15pm Wednesday and land in Brisbane just before 7am.

We are both planning to take a sleeping pill to help us through the 6 hour flight.

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