Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Like a Lizard Drinking ....

That's how flatout we have been.  Since I last put up a post I have done another Android TV Box, sorted out a new laptop, fixed up a neighbour's corrupted Administrator's Profile on a laptop, put a brew on, mowed the front lawn and checked out and backed up all my own Android TV Box profiles.

I have finally worked out that if I am setting up someone's Android TV Box something will go wrong somewhere along the way and what seemed a straight forward job suddenly gets complicated.

Setting up a box requires a GMail account and the associated password and it also requires the password to get onto a local wifi setup.  Lack of knowledge of passwords is a huge problem.  But what is worse is when someone says this is the password and they are wrong!  They have mistaken what the password was and are vehement that the password they have given you is correct.

What should take around an hour ends up taking you 3 or 4 hours!  And I do it for free, but I do expect a rush of funds into my Home Brew Shop Account over the next few days!  Bill over the road whose laptop I fixed makes his own distilled alcohol so you can guess how I get compensated from him!

And doing stuff on my own home network is a breeze and I can move files around between devices with ease.  I can copy the Kodi 350mb setup files from my Nvidia Shield Box to the Minix Box over the network in less than 15 minutes.  To do something similar on some networks can't be done wirelessly on the network the way it has been setup and has to be done using USB sticks.  With Android Using USB sticks makes it a sloooow process!

To make the process a little quicker I have now created a setup profile with all the basics already included.  So it is now a matter of installing Kodi, copying the setup files across and then adding any other addons the box owner really wants.

On Monday I bottled a brew and by midday had another brew mixed and ready to go.  In between I delivered almost 200 Community Association newsletters.  During the delivery process I kicked a small stake taking a sizeable piece of skin off a toe. While delivering her Newsletters Trish was confronted and attacked by a dog!  She received a bruise on her leg but was not interested in pursuing the dog's owner.

So I have another bottle washing and bottling to do.  But then my home brew supplies should be fine!

The weather here has been glorious.  Mid 20's most days, slippers and a jacket on around 5 pm and nice and cool overnight.  I have ridden the bike several mornings this week but gave the Newsletter delivery day a miss.  I ride a lot later during this time of the year as a 7 am start is a little on the chilly side.

Speaking of chilly, the unkillable fridge managed to freeze several of my 1.25 litre bottles of beer so I have had to turn the cold control around to just half way!

We have wet weather due either tomorrow or the next day and then it is expected to continue across the weekend.

Trish flies to Melbourne on Thursday of next week so I am already looking forward to "Devilled Sausages" for my evening meal for the first few days she is away!  She is away for around 10 days leaving me to fend for myself here on the Sunny Coast.  This is a task I don't mind every now and again.

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