Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Ready To Head Home.

It's 9am here Wednesday morning and our bags are in the process of getting sorted. We have the room till 6pm so we have plenty of time to get everything ready.  Today will see a few journeys out but overall it is a take it slowly day with our flight not due to depart here until 11:15pm.

It seems we will have beer to leave behind. Bintang is the local brew and after a couple of weeks I have almost had enough.

We ate breakfast at the hotel yesterday morning and then had noodles for lunch. So when we headed to tea, photo above, I wasn't really that hungry. We ordered satay for starters to be followed by crispy pork belly and a chicken dish. We were surprised when a dish of 8 huge satays were brought out. They were monstrous!

My tummy was a little on edge and I was pleased we could cancel the chicken. It seems we had ordered 3 full size main courses and not the starters we thought we had.

Pork Belly can be rich and extremely filling at the best of times so the decision to cut one course was the right one.

With an overnight flight coming up caution on the food front will be the order of the day. We don't want a queasy tummy on the plane heading home.

Would we come back here again? Yes but only with friends and there is just so much shopping you can handle in a fortnight as well. Despite living in Queensland I have found the consistent high humidity a bit of a trial.

The hotel at around $60 per night (that was on 'Special') was quite good for our needs. Perhaps we missed a larger resort style pool with heaps of shade where you could sit quietly.

But at that price with breakfast included it was a sweet deal.

So now we have to put in around 8 hours or so until our 6pm checkout. Then we have a car to the airport, check in and wait till our 11:15pm departure. We fly into Brisbane just before 7am. There is a 2 hour time difference between Bali and Queensland.

By this time tomorrow we will back in Caloundra!

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