Saturday, January 14, 2017

It Has Been Hot!

If you watched any of the International One Day Cricket Match Australia Vs Pakistan on TV yesterday you will get an idea of just how hot it has been here in S.E.
Queensland.  The three or four extra degrees and the high humidity have combined to create a situation where if you are outside and involved in any activity you will get hot!

But if you can sit quietly inside with the fan going you will survive OK.

The last couple of days we have had the air-con on since around midday, it is set to 26° and with the ceiling fan whirring away it is quite comfortable inside watching the TV.

But get outside and do some jobs around the house you will soon be perspiring madly and extremely hot and bothered and will begin to feel unwell.  Frequent glasses of water is a must do as well.

It is certainly much cooler still than what we experienced with Kate and Arj in Saudi and later in Dubai!

So we take it easy, use the pool a bit, but even it gets into the low 30's during the afternoon.  It is the sort of heat where you can feel the sun burning you if you stand in it for any time.

The mornings up until around 8:30 am are the best times to do things.  This time of year if bike riding I set off well before 7 am to escape the heat.

We can expect a short escape from the heat in a day or so.  The way it works around here is the humidity builds up until everything is cleared out buy a cooling thunderstorm.

Luckily there is heaps of sport on the TV and our Lazy Boy recliners get a good workout.  Those chairs though expensive are absolutely marvelous and so comfortable!

Of course the odd home brew or two doesn't go astray either!

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