Wednesday, January 11, 2017

A "Heat Wave"

The phrase "a heat wave" has a very different connotation in this part of the world compared to when we lived in Melbourne.  The forecasters are predicting a 'heat wave' for south east Queensland over the next couple of days.  What it means here is that instead of the top temperature being 30 or 31 it will be 34 or 35!

Overnight it will be a low of no more than 25° instead of the normal 22 or 23!

It also means the sea breeze may not come in until mid afternoon rather than soon after lunch when it usually arrives!  It means the pool water could get to 31° later in the day rather than the usual 29°.

If it is a 'severe heatwave' it means we have a north westerly all day, no afternoon sea breeze and a top temperature of over 37°!  Most times this severe heatwave means lower humidity so it isn't all bad. We may get one or two of these each summer.

I have had a fair bit of dental work the last couple of years, it seems all those years of not needing the dentist are beginning to catch up with me.  And it usually means that as a broken filling is replaced and I tend to use that section of my mouth again for chewing, other older nearby fillings get placed under some stress and some tend to fail as well.

As usual on our recent trip down to Melbourne I have again lost a filling!  I have the dentist today to replace it.  It will hurt in two places, my mouth after the drill and in our bank balance!

I have had but one faint nibble on the WDTV I have for sale on Gumtree which has been a little disappointing but not surprising.  It really is 'old technology' and is not really suitable for playback of the most recent of file types.

The less expensive of my android TV boxes has found its way to a mate's place where he is putting his toe into the water in relation to these devices and going though a substantial learning curve as he learns to use it.

I bottled a brew yesterday.  I use 750ml bottles which have been specially designed for home brewers.  I usually need 30 of these bottles per brew.  This entails washing 30 bottles, sanitizing 30 bottles and then filling and labelling 30 bottles.  If I use empty 1.25 litre Pepsi Max (or similar) bottles instead, I need to wash, sanitize fill and label only 17 bottles.

It is quite surprising how much quicker this is, doing 17 large bottles in place of 30 smaller bottles.

The 1.25 litre size is roughly the equivalent to three stubbies.  That is a stubby with my lunch, one later during the afternoon and a final stubby with my evening meal.  I will retire some of my older 750ml bottles and put them into storage in favour of using a lot more of the recycled 1.25ml size!

We have our 'drinks afternoon' on again today.  We have to travel to today's venue which is a real pain.  It means leaving a car there as we Uber it home, then back the next day to collect the car from the previous day.  But drinks with friends will more than compensate for the need to travel.  After all travelling only once every four get togethers isn't so bad.

I have been back on the bike again and did around 13k's this morning.  The swim in the pool afterwards is best described as 'magnificent'!

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