Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Summer Is About To Hit

Temperatures in the 30's and even as high as 35° are expected over the next week or so.  35° in this part of the world is quite hot.  The pool water of course is much warmer nowadays as well so it may a day for the air conditioner on Saturday which is expected to be the hottest day.

We don't have white ants I am pleased to report.  Having been hit with white ants quite severely when in Melbourne many years ago, and then followed with another brush with them up here we now have a pest inspection every couple of years.  And the time was due recently for an inspection and I am pleased to report all is OK.

We have both been busy with our associations though mine is beginning to wind up for the year.  We had a Community Association End of Year celebration on Saturday night.  Things were very quiet for much of Sunday!

Very little happens with the Community Association over Christmas and with people away we go into a minor recess.  Currently there is a problem with website too and it is off the internet.  Hopefully all be fixed in a day or two.

It is now less than 2 weeks before we begin our drive down to Melbourne.  We are due to arrive there late on Friday December 17.  Preparations are well in hand!

I have also bottled another brew of my beer.  I now have full stocks plus two extra brews in larger 1.25 litre bottles.  I won't go thirsty for the next couple of months!

Trish has been busy Christmas Shopping and is getting things sorted.  Christmas Shopping is something I am not good at!

On my PC I ensure I have backed up everything just in case something goes wrong.  It is handy to have the more important stuff on a portable hard drive as well just in case.  Late last week the main PC wouldn't 'see' my main 2TB backup portable drive.  I could plug it into one of our laptops and even then it didn't work 100%.  I checked it over, reformatted it, did everything I could think of but still it couldn't be 'seen' by my PC.

So online I went and $100 later a new 2TB external drive has been ordered.  It was good price for a 2TB drive.  Needless to say as soon as the order went through and the confirmation emails arrived I tried the current 2TB drive again.  It worked perfectly on the big PC and has done so ever since!

However once the begin to play up you seem to sense the end is not far away!  When the new one arrives the 2TB portable will be attached to the 4TB Cloud drive I have.  That increases the capacity of the 4TB Cloud drive to 6TB!  It will remain attached permanently and therefore once connected and running, it should be fine!

A little more Christmas shopping this afternoon or getting sorted for the trip to Melbourne is on the cards.

I still get amazed at what Kodi is and what it does.  One guy I helped recently commented, "Why doesn't everyone watch their Movie and TV favorites this way?"

I really don't know!

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