Sunday, November 13, 2016

A Steamy Sunday

While watching the cricket Saturday afternoon (yesterday), for what it was worth, a storm warning message came up along the bottom of the TV screen warning of upcoming storms, strong winds and heavy rain.  It rained for around 20 minutes here after an exciting lightning show!  The rain belted down, the pool filled and the lawn and garden got a great water!

At the end of the 20 minute storm I tipped 28mls out of the rain gauge, a little over an inch in the old language!  Boy we needed the rain, the front lawn was crackly and dead underfoot while this morning there is a real green tinge to it.

With the move to summer temps. the Waeco has been pressed back in to service (as the photo shows) and is situated outside the back door making access to cold drinks from the pool area very easy.

On Monday I chaired the Community Association's AGM and then hosted the Mayor while he spoke to those in attendance.  Usually there is a big day to follow on the Tuesday as I get a report up online on the Association's website on the meeting.

So come Wednesday I was up for a bottling of my latest brew.  I then put another brew on on Thursday.  I will probably get a week or three off soon as I usually only have to do a brew every 2 or 3 weeks.  This is three weeks in a row I have been busy brewing!  It must be Christmas coming up!

The more brewing I do, the more home brew supplies I need.  I have helped one guy out with his new computer, then purchasing an android TV box and finally helping him set it all up.  Instead of accepting any payment for helping out I suggest that if they want, head up to the Home Brew shop and leave an amount on my 'tab' there.

I had a wow of a surprise when I found a $200 donation onto my tab from him the other day.  So when I now update my supplies, costs are not a concern.

Trish has been flat out with the Arts Association November Fair.  She has been out Thursday, Friday, Saturday and will be out all day today as well.  She even did a radio interview on Saturday morning to promote the Fair.

Usually they take around $25,000 over the two days.  This year they took $27,000 on the Saturday on its own!

One of the local Clubs has started an Asian flavoured menu and it includes our Malaysian favorite Char Koay Teow.  We got around to popping in for a meal on Wednesday night and I had no hesitation in ordering 'the favorite'.  We know our Malaysian food pretty well.  The only similarity between the club's Char Koay Teow and what we loved back in Melbourne or over in Malaysia was the name.

What a shame, it was tasteless and nothing at all like the dish we love.

Today is a bit cloudy over head but quite hot.  After yesterday's storm and with today's hot weather the sun is sucking the moisture back up again making it quite humid.  We are expecting yet another thunderstorm later on today.  This is fairly typical of weather here at this time of year.

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