Sunday, November 06, 2016

It's Back!

With a top temperature yesterday of around 30 ° and with the pool around 25° this morning, there are the signs the warm weather is back.  Like down south it seems to have been so windy this year.  Hardly a day goes by when I am not dragging leaves from next door's bamboo out of the pool.

Yes it happened!  Trish jumped in the 'new' Jazz Saturday morning, turned the key, there was a grunt and then nothing!  The battery was as dead as .... The RACQ came to the rescue and $158 and 20 minutes later the car started first turn of the key!  The price seemed a bit on the dear side but when I checked online the batteries were in the $110-$120 realm for a Jazz.  An extra $30 or so to have the problem fixed within 30 minutes made the charge a little more palatable.

But I did drop in to the Car Sales place Saturday lunch time and told them the battery was no good and the car didn't start after a little over 1 week.  The sales guy is going to try something for us but batteries are never any part of a warranty.  However, only 8 days is a little on the steep side.  Trish was not happy!

I have been enduring rather than watching the Cricket Test from Perth.  I reckon I could do a better job to select a team than these guys.  Fair dinkum how some guys get selected to play for Australia seems hit and miss to me!

This morning has been a little busy.  I was on the move around 6:30 am because I have a brew just about ready to bottle.  The bottles were up for a warm rinse and then sterilising.  It is 11:30 or so as I type and the bottles have dried and been given another rinse to remove any last bit of the steriliser.

The way the sun is belting down outside the bottles will be dry and could be ready for bottling early this afternoon.  The brew looks like it may need another couple of days though.

We have a Community Association Public Meeting tomorrow night (Monday) that I am to chair.  We have the Mayor coming along, the local ALP State Government candidate, and a representative from the local Queensland Air Museum.

Though a totally volunteer organisation the Air Museum here has one of best collections of aircraft anywhere in the southern hemisphere.

We will finish the Public Meeting with a Xmas wine and cheese put on by a couple of the local businesses.

With the new residential area opening up just to the south of us, I now have another area for my morning bike ride.  I have heaps of alternatives to ride around which makes things a lot more interesting.  I did my 12 to 13k's on the bike again and finished with a ten minute swim in the pool.  It was great!

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