Thursday, November 24, 2016

Delightful Weather

In what is usually the traditional 'storm' season, the time of the year when we are most likely to get 10" of rain over a day or two, the weather has been around 30° or a little under most days, hardly a cloud and a lovely south easter blowing in off the ocean.  There has been very little rain and the lawn and garden are looking a little the worse for wear.

The pool has reached some very warm temperatures with the photo showing one of those.  It hasn't reached that temp again for some time but most afternoons after a day in the sun it is around 28°.  I spent a very pleasant half hour or so yesterday lounging back on an inflatable chair in the pool taking it easy.

Trish has been extremely busy, she hasn't had a real day off for a week or so.  She didn't get far out of the chair yesterday (Weds) afternoon though.

Beer making, bottling and PC has taken up most of my time, inter-sprinkled with business for the Community Association.  We have a final Community Association newsletter for the year in a week or so and I spent a few hours putting it together recently.  It is now ready to go.

I continue to bike ride most mornings but I am enjoying a morning off this morning.  Today I have completed a bottle washing and have sanitized them ready to be bottled.  I put a brew together on Tuesday morning, bottles will all but be ready to use by Saturday but bottling will have to wait until early next week.

The car has been booked in for a pre drive to Melbourne service, we have the pest inspectors rocking up on Monday afternoon and I have made my final doctor's appointment for a final prescription update for the year in a week or so.

All I need now is a trip back to the Chiro for a pre Xmas tune-up!

I received a litre of raw alcohol from one of the guys at the computer club and another 1.5 litres from Bill over the road.  Therefore supplies of 'mixers' for our Melbourne trip should be up to scratch.

Ikea have opened a store about 40 minutes from us so we went down the highway for a look the other day.  It has been integrated into a Shopping Centre so it is now a full day out for us oldies.

The little Honda Jazz is living up to expectations and is fun to drive.  It isn't too keen on the hills with its 1.3 litre engine but is great economy around town.  For us it is perfect.  The fuel economy continues to amaze us.

Later this morning I am around to a fellow computer club member's home to help him out with his Kodi box setup.  He isn't that confident around the android system as he is predominantly Apple Mac.  Hopefully I will be able to help out a little and show him exactly how it works.

We have a hot one in store for us today.  The day-night cricket test match begins later this afternoon so I fancy a quick swim, a cool drink and time in front of the TV will fill the day in nicely.

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