Friday, August 12, 2016


It has been one of those weeks!  This is usually the driest time of the year for us but even a mere 25mls as a monthly total for June was way down on an average.

As a result everything is dry and getting a little dusty.  So 13 mls and thunderstorms last night meant we got a drop of well needed rain.  Not only did the rain fill up the pool it managed to grab a heap of dust from the atmosphere and dump it in the pool too.  A pool clean today and a massive clean of the filters followed.

If I tell you Trish is headed to Melbourne next week for 10 days or so you will have worked out Kate, Arj and the family have returned to Melbourne from their two year adventure to Saudi and around the world!  Trish will help them unpack as they move back into their home and removalists and things arrive out of storage around the same time.  Trish gets there Thursday.

We had an hour or so with Kate on Skype yesterday.  Needless to say with them flying back into Melbourne in mid August that the cooler weather has 'surprised' them.

They have their car up and running, have hit Aldi for a new mobile phone sim card and sorted out private health insurance etc.  Today Kate is shopping for warm winter clothing for the kids at the end of season sell off sales.

I have been messing around with my Kodi setup on my android TV Box.  I reckon I learn something new about Kodi every day and this week has been quite a huge learning curve. I am quite pleased with what I have been able to achieve.  I put another local friend onto Kodi during the week, set up his laptop PC and now he is as happy as ....!

My second new but hardly spotted android box is still keeping the neighbour happy.  I don't know who is keener to see their newly purchased TV box arrive in the post, them or me!  I am looking forward to getting my new $50 model back and setting it up as a second box here at home.

I have been back on the bike as well getting my 12.5k's in most days.  A few days with a top of 25° certainly make the morning ride a little less of a chore.  I didn't ride this morning though as I washed bottles and put on another brew.  That is two home brew jobs done in one day!

The Olympics on TV have taken some of my time as well I must admit.

Thursday we had lunch at the little Golden Beach Vietnamese place we haven't been to in a long time.  It wasn't cheap but it was nice!  I then made myself an egg and cheese hamburger for tea using a couple of left over buns from Wednesday's lunchtime.  Toasting the buns on the BBQ gave them back some life and made for a tasty snack for my evening meal.

The old TV series "The Wire" has been great to watch.  It is one of the highest ever rating TV series and despite being well over 10 years old, it remains sensational TV watching.  We finished series 2 during the week which means we still have 3 full series still to go.

Right now we are watching "The A Word" which tells the story of a little boy whose parents are discovering that he is autistic. And just to keep the viewer interested it has some elements of "The Last Tango In Halifax" to it as well.

Footy is on again this weekend.  My team has a supposedly 'easy' game on Sunday but who knows.  Trish's team suffered a surprise loss last week so the blow torch is on them as they face another ranked finals team on Saturday.

I have Computer Club tomorrow again which I always look forward to.

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