Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Back To Normal

Things are slowly getting back to normal.  Trish arrived home from Melbourne on Monday around lunchtime.  It was only another 15 minutes or so from Brisbane Airport to our favourite Malaysian (and only Malaysian) eating place at Sunnybank so a delicious and filling lunch followed.  A slice of bread was enough for tea that evening!

Computer Club was again quiet with enough on Kodi from several very interested members to keep me involved.  My footy was sensational on Saturday especially with finals in the next week or so.  Trish's team had a heart stopping finish but managed to get over the line at the last gasp.

Our teams are set to play each other in the first round of the finals.  However a loss by either team won't put them right out of the competition as they both finished in the top 4.

I have been bike riding again as the weather is a little more pleasant as spring rapidly approaches.  There are stories circulating on magpie swooping going on but I haven't experienced anything as yet.

Over the last few weeks there has been a repetitive noise coming from my bike's rear wheel.  Quick looks indicated some possible causes but I still couldn't fix it.

Then yesterday I had a closer look and found where it appeared a section of the tyre was lifting from the side.  I was going to swap it over with a tyre I have on the 'spare' bike kept for visitors and emergencies.  However upon tipping the bike upside down I noticed two rear spokes were broken.  The spare bike has callipers for brakes while the Fluid bike has disk brakes so a straight rear wheel swap wouldn't work.

So off to the repair place I went.  It is a "Fluid" brand, one stocked by the large outdoor chain called "Anaconda".  They have looked after me for repairs previously so off I went.  The quote was totalled up to around $60 or so.  I was going to get a new tyre as well.

The latest model of my bike was on special at around $300, marked down from around $500. So the dilemma became do I commit the $60 and finish up with a 3 year old bike in 3 year old bike condition or do I cut my losses and get a new one and take advantage of the 'special'?  I am ultra concerned about safety when riding the bike.  Are the brakes in good condition? Do the tyres require replacing? Will something conk out on the bike when I am 10k's from home?

The guy said to leave the wheel with the broken spokes with him, for me go home and think about the deal.  I was to get back to him if I decided to upgrade.  I rang him back an hour or so later to confirm, I would buy a new one.

The new one will be ready for pickup this afternoon!  I usually replace the bike every couple of years but this time I was well into the third year!  This morning I removed the bell, the seat and the trip meter from the old bike ready for transfer to the new one later today.

The photo above shows my current bike waiting for the wheel to go back on.  The current spare bike is off to the tip!

The wheel with the broken spokes will go back onto the old Fluid bike later today and I have already removed a tyre from the old spare bike ready to replace the tyre with the lifted section. This bike will then become the spare.  It should be fine for that, after all it appears I have been riding it around with broken spokes and a crook tyre for several weeks now and there hasn't been a problem.

I am pleased to report that as of today all my favorite download sites are back online and working well.  Mike found his time with me interesting as we looked at Android TV boxes and how I have things set up here at home.  He continues on his massive learning curve.

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