Friday, August 28, 2015

Catching Up!

As I mentioned previously, long time friends Russ and Irene from our days back in Hampton Park, (in Melbourne) rolled into Dicky Beach Caravan Park with their van in tow recently.

After Trish's return from Melbourne on Tuesday afternoon, we caught up with them for a meal at a nearby Surf Club that night.  As usual it was like it was just yesterday we had last seen them and the evening was great fun catching up on the latest news from both sides.

We gave them a spell on Wednesday but caught them again yesterday (Thursday) for lunch at The Headland Golf Club.  The meal, though a little dearer than usual, was delightful, great value for money and the view from the veranda overlooking the golf course and across to Mooloolaba was sensational.  Storms were expected to move in later in the day but this didn't upset us at all.  After the Golf Club it was onto Mooloolaba and the Surf Club there. Again we had a table overlooking the beach with more spectacular views.

The chat continued and we enjoyed a few drinks.  I was the driver for the day so was ensuring I only had the very lightest of ale.  This gave Trish and Irene a chance to relax and enjoy.  On top of it all it was Irene's birthday as well.

It was a fun day enjoyed by all.  Though threatening storms all day, a heavy period of rain is all we got with 10 mls in the rain gauge this morning.

They are coming over for a meal later on today (Friday).  I will probably go and pick them up and they will cab it back to the caravan park later on.

This morning was my Home Brew bottle washing day.  The rain has cleared and it is shorts and T-shirt time again.  The bottles are drying in the backyard as I type.  The washing (and you can see the bottle washing setup above) and sanitizing was all done and dusted in just over an hour.

Footy watching over the weekend will be interspersed with heading out with Russell and Irene.  We have the Curry Bowl booked for tea Saturday night which just happens to be Russell's birthday!

Trish is preparing curries for tonight as well so it looks like being a spicy weekend.

The more I play around with Kodi, the more it appears my current days of downloading will come to an end.  The amount of online stuff Kodi provides access to is unbelievable.  The process is a little 'clunky' but we will give it a good try out when my new 'toy' arrives from China.

The Android TV box I ordered is currently 'in transit' and from all reports will do everything I want.  Trish's laptop has a HDMI out so I installed Kodi on it and gave the process a good workout on the big TV the other day.  This only whet my appetite even further for the possibilities the Android TV box may bring.

We watched a movie last night called "Love & Mercy" which we enjoyed very much.  It told the story of Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys and how he was manipulated by his psychiatrist.  If it is anything like a true story, the guy's behaviour was inexcusable.  An interesting movie and very much enjoyed.

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