Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Recovery Mode

I am in recovery mode for two reasons.  Another great day with our visitors yesterday and a very hectic public meeting for the Community Association last night.

We took Janet and Mick for a great lunch at Headland Gold Club yesterday.  We again had the old faithful, the Parmigiana, while our friends had a steak and seafood.  Our meal was again scrumptious.  They enjoyed their meals as well.

We had a few beers but not too many.  I was vary wary of the meeting I had to chair last night as I knew it was a hot topic.  How right I was.  We had around 80 at the meeting which is a huge crowd for us.  Many were extremely angry and just wanting to vent their frustrations on someone.

We managed to get through the meeting OK.  We were short handed as a couple of our Committee Members were away and their wives who pitch in and help with tea and biscuits were unavailable.  I am not sure how we did it but we managed to get through OK.  Someone from Stockland had borrowed/pinched 15 or so of our chairs so it was literally standing room only.

The local press were there as well which kept the pressure right on me chairing the meeting.  I was still 'hyper' when I got home and took an hour or so to settle down again.

Janet and Mick left to stay overnight in Brisbane several hours ago (just before lunch Tuesday) and then will travel on to the Gold Coast for a week on Wednesday.  It was great having them stay but as usual will be nice to get our house back again.

I need to put another brew on tomorrow though.

We were going to ride this morning but 10mls of overnight rain put a stop to that.  The pool is full again and the garden has been watered.

It will be a 'rest' day tomorrow for me.  I have two laptop computers to finish setting up for people on Thursday and then a third one to do on Friday afternoon.  The Home Brew slate I have set up may get a boost.

Often people I help with computer want to pay me.  I suggest they go to the Home Brew Shop in town and leave some money on my 'account' there.  This makes a pleasant surprise whenever I need to buy new supplies, it doesn't cost me anything.

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