Sunday, March 16, 2014

Another Job Done

Again we are entering a "Getting Ready To Go Away" frame of mind.  Today I have had my haircut, Monday I am off to the Chiro, Tuesday the optometrist and then "Spec Savers", Wednesday mow the lawn and finally Thursday ready to fly to Melbourne late in the afternoon.

And what a stuff up flying late Thursday was!  My footy team has its first game for 2014 on Thursday evening as we fly from the Sunshine Coast to Melbourne!  Ah well, we are booked now so I guess the smart phone's footy 'app' will get a work out on arrival at Tullamarine!

Same old same old since I last posted.  Computer Club was OK Saturday and I think I helped a few people out.  The footy was on TV later Saturday afternoon so I just potted around and downloaded the final shows in the TV series for Jonathon Creek, Banshee and Black Sails before settling back to watch a couple of OK AFL games.

Yesterday was also declared an official "Drying Out Day".  Despite being planted in front of the TV for much of the latter part of the day I only had one of my home brews.  I feel a lot better for abstaining (well nearly abstaining) for most of yesterday.

But what a glorious day we have today.  A northerly is blowing and it is low 30's outside and hardly a cloud (nor helicopter) in the sky.  It is truly delightful.

I managed my almost 13k bike ride earlier today and the pool wasn't too bad at 24 degrees.  I grabbed a few photos and added a post to the Community Association Website and then hunted around for good TV shows to download.

It looks pretty good doesn't it?  Click on the photo for a larger view.

So just another normal day really!

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