Friday, June 14, 2013

What A Difference

What a difference a day makes!  Thursday was warmish with some heavy cloud around. But there were quite a few glimpses of sunshine through the cloud during the morning.  Trish rang me just before lunch from a meeting she was at and asked me to put a load of washing through for her.  This I did and had it on the line within around 45 minutes.  Within an hour of putting the stuff on the line in came the clouds as this photo shows.

Soon afterwards the sky opened up and we had a very heavy shower of rain.  The wet washing was rescued and moved to be hung up all around the garage.

I have just taken this photo almost exactly 24 hours later.  Yesterday the breeze was from the south east, today it is from the west and blowing dry cold air into our part of the world.  The temperature outside is 22 degrees but it feels more comfortable than that as we sat outside to enjoy a couple of rolls for lunch.  The sunshine is glorious and the solar energy panels on our roof are working away nicely.

The next load of washing was put through this morning (Friday) and is drying now in the bright sunshine.

It was no surprise that the pool needed another bag of salt yesterday after all the recent rain.  We have had 9" or 225mls since the weekend.  This amount of rainfall causes the pool to over flow and as the water flows away, so too does the salt.

You can see the small overflow opening in this photo.  This small opening prevents the pool from overflowing.  The excess pool
water enters into the house's storm water system and escapes out into the street.

I have been delivering Community Association newsletters this morning after I completed my shorter than usual bike ride.  I did around 9k's on the bike and then spent well over an hour walking about delivering around 130 copies of the "Bellvista Connector".  That is enough exercise for today.

No drinks this afternoon as people are away for the weekend.  Being such a glorious day I might sit outside myself later and enjoy a couple of frothy tops.  All of the brews I am enjoying at the moment taste fine which is a pleasant change after some recent less than successful brews I have had.

I even gave the brewing container a 4 parts to 1 water to bleach rinse yesterday to ensure the container is fully sanitized.  It then needed a good strong hot water rinse afterwards to get rid of all the remnants of the bleach!

Footy tonight and over the weekend will keep my occupied.  I also have Computer Club tomorrow morning as well.

Click on the photos for a larger view.

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